IRGC-QF is an Imminent Threat for US Forces

By: Erfan Fard {@EQFard} The Middle East is highly unstable. The serious threat for US forces in this turbulent region is the hostility of Iranian regime. this regime is a bad and malign actor is this volatile region of the globe. Iran policy has a multiplicity of factors and it operates with a multi-faceted strategy. The main policy of Mullahs is Iran‘s Global Terrorism Network. Regionally, the US allies –Israel, Saudi Arabia, some of the GCC States, Jordan, Egypt –…

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Possible Succession Scenarios In Iran

By: Erfan Fard {@EQFard} EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A presidential election will take place in Iran on June 18, and it is rumored that Ali Khamenei prefers one candidate above the others: Chief Justice Ebrahim Raisi. While Raisi has never belonged to the IRGC, his election would nevertheless represent a victory for the hardliners. Despite his lack of religious credentials, Raisi is also considered a serious contender to succeed Khamenei as Supreme Leader. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is the main…

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Raisi and New Spy Mullah in MOIS

Erfan Fard Primarily, the name of MOIS (Ministry of Intelligence and Security) has labeled with Terrorism. simultaneously, they created the reign of terror and they shaped transnational terrorist network in the globe to protect the Shia’ Islamic caliphate in Iran. The main role of MOIS , as a branch of the Iranian regime’s intelligence community or Iran’s Council for Intelligence Coordination (CIC), is supporting Terrorism, radicalism, sectarianism and other elements of Khomeinism. Albeit, doing terrorist activities is the policy of…

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The paranoid leader and new slaughterous president

Historically, the religious octopus in Iran after the collapse of Qajar Dynasty, that ruling over Iran from 1789 to 1925, had ruined. Broadly speaking, Reza Shah Pahlavi, eliminated the noxious Mullah’s structure and they were underground and waited for a proper time. Reza Shah The Great decided to announce the Iranian Republic but the disastrous virus of Shia’ Mullahs surrounded him and said: Shah is the guardian of Islam and Shiism! However, Reza Shah was forced by the invading British…

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Mullah’s Islamic Caliphate,The Succession Scenario

“The rule or reign of a caliph or chief Muslim ruler” is the popular meaning of Caliphate. Historically, after the death of Mohammad (8 June 632 CE), an Arab political leader and the religious founder of regional Islam in Hijaz; the successors shaped the 1st Islamic Caliphate. even though, With Muhammad’s death, disagreement broke out over who his successor would be, but for preserving the spoils of war and confiscated wealth , Women and power, they solved the problem by…

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The Circus of 2021 Presidential Election in Iran

By Erfan Fard The argument about Iran Presidential Election and 7 Candidates is not entirely persuasive or logically convincing for Iranians. Put aside the fact that most of campaigns have shaped to boycott the election entirely. There are several flaws that under the autocratic regime of Khamenei and Shia religious octopus, preparation for the free election is an utopia. Additionally, its a joke and its very similar to a Circus. The outlaw regime of Mullahs has blocked the way and…

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The IRGC’s Media Network in Europe

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 2,036, May 19, 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: While most European intelligence services are alert to the terrorist activities of Iran’s IRGC, they pay too little heed to the IRGC’s media network, which spreads pro-regime propaganda across the continent from Frankfurt, London, Paris, Stockholm, Amsterdam, and Prague. On July 13, 1989, Iranian operatives in Vienna under diplomatic cover assassinated the head of an Iranian Kurdish dissident group and two others. As of that moment, most European intelligence…

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Possible Succession Scenarios In Iran

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 2,062, June 3, 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A presidential election will take place in Iran on June 18, and it is rumored that Ali Khamenei prefers one candidate above the others: Chief Justice Ebrahim Raisi. While Raisi has never belonged to the IRGC, his election would nevertheless represent a victory for the hardliners. Despite his lack of religious credentials, Raisi is also considered a serious contender to succeed Khamenei as Supreme Leader. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard…

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