IRGC-QF is an Imminent Threat for US Forces
Published on: 2021-07-20
By: Erfan Fard {@EQFard}
The Middle East is highly unstable. The serious threat for US forces in this turbulent region is the hostility of Iranian regime. this regime is a bad and malign actor is this volatile region of the globe. Iran policy has a multiplicity of factors and it operates with a multi-faceted strategy. The main policy of Mullahs is Iran‘s Global Terrorism Network.
Regionally, the US allies –Israel, Saudi Arabia, some of the GCC States, Jordan, Egypt – are confused with understanding the destroying role of mullah’s autocratic regime which is similar to a cancer tumour . they see threats, in large part, much better than Americans do. US regional partners want to counter Iran‘s destabilizing influence.
On the ground, the US has not yet responded beyond the rhetoric in actions. but in the middle of the turmoil, President Biden has had strong rhetoric and attacked some of the IRGC-QF‘s network in Iraq and Syria which is not enough and effective.
Since 1979, Iranian regime has worked to develop a wide-reaching global network of terrorist organizations, criminal networks, and terrorist proxies stretching from Afghanistan to West Africa and Latin America in the western hemisphere. This transnational network has engaged in terrorism, supported militias, and fomented instability.
During recent 3 decades, IRGC-Quds Force is the main threat for USA and its allies. the IRGC is a multilayered political, ideological, and security institution and its Quds Force is the largest terrorist network in the world today.
Gratuitously, the threats of IRGCQF cause tremendous harm to the Middle East and US forces. The threats posed by a wide range of terrorist networks, supported by Iranian regime. The Iranians regime is uncertain about US-ISRAEL-Saudi Arabia‘s ultimate intentions. The head of the IRGC, Hussein Salami, has referred Israel, Saudi Arabia and US as ―the triangle‖ of Iranian adversaries.
The criminal mullahs in Iran face four main threats, which destabilize and strike at the foundations the regime.
First, the succession of Khamenei and a challenge of naming the new supreme leader.
Second is growing dissatisfaction among the Iranians such as strikes. In order to predict the plausibility of additional protests in the future, regime faces the loss of legitimacy and inefficiency.
Thirdly, the clerical leadership is under increasing pressure over its rumored pursuit of nuclear weapons, its suppression of human rights at home, and its support of terrorism abroad. After re-imposition of U.S. sanctions, Iran feels itself under increasing pressure. this is the Achilles heel of regime.
Last of all is the international isolation. The regime believe to be facing an imminent threat of regime change from the US– a situation comparable to what Saddam faced in 2003
Shockingly, after 42 years of vicious life in making crisis, it is too late but the USA faces an imminent threat and US is under attack of IRGC-QF!
Literally, IRGC-QF and its Shia terrorist militias is the largest terrorist network in the world today. The IRGCQF operates a large network of non-combatant associates in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. however, IRGC-QF provides material, weapons, logistical assistance, training, funding, and guidance to militants and terrorist operatives throughout the world. The main purpose of IRGC-QF’s terrorism and regional aggression is targeting Americans. this point is not negligible for White House and the US intelligence community.
As time goes on, US lack of action increase the threat to the US, US forces across the Middle East, and US regional allies. doubtlessly, It‘s too late. the militant Shias have formed a united bloc, a sectarian-political organizations across the region, led by IRGC-QF. potently, president Trump understood the threat and he had an accurate intelligence information from CIA and DIA.
From 2003, The IRGC-QF network, with worldwide operators, controls dozens of well-organized groups, battle-tested militia, and media from Middle East to Latin America and inside the US. This countless anti-American motivated militia is an imminent danger and significant threat for US and its allies.
Since 2011, IRGCQF deployed Shia militia to the conflicts, civil wars, and insurgencies that erupted in the region. The collapse of state structures in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen has facilitated the growth in power and influence of a wide range of regional non-state terrorist networks. Iran creates sectarianism and radicalism and then progressively put the label on this ―coalition‖ which is ―Axis of Resistance‖ but it means Axis of Anti America or Axis of Islamic Terrorism!
The immediate and imminent threats of regional interstate conflict come from Iranian use of terrorist proxies in the Middle East and growing of state and non-state use of weapons of mass destruction. Then, The IRGC commands a growing missile capability. Tehran already has the largest inventory of ballistic missiles in the Middle East. Tehran‘s desire to deter the US might drive it to field an ICBM.
The IRGC-QF involves in all current conflicts in the region. Operationally, America‘s ability to confront Iran’s support for terrorism is unproductive. This lack of a clear regional strategy has allowed Iran and its partners to continue to destabilize the Middle East and undercut U.S. interests and allies. USA is not going to be able to stop ―Iran‘s Global Terrorism Network‖ stabilizing the region—USA is ignoring too much. Truth be told, the elimination of Baghdadi and Soleimani were great steps forward.
The U.S. has identified the IRGC-QF as the Iranian regime‘s primary mechanism for supporting terrorists abroad, “but all of these organizations have worked to expand Iran‘s power and influence in the region”.
Scandalously, Iran‘s support for the Popular Mobilization Committee (PMC) and Shia militants remains the primary threat to US personnel in Iraq. IRGC-QF militias in Iraq have killed Americans in the past and pledge to do so again. U.S. forces since the 2000‘s have been the target of the IRGC-QF and will continue to face danger.
During the 2003–2011 Iraq War, the IRGC-QF led and supported Iraqi militia group in a deadly campaign against the U.S. forces in the country. Today, the IRGC-QF bolster and shares close links with an estimated 40 of the 67 largest militias in the PMF Forces, dominated Iraq and undermine nearly 15 years of American stabilization and humanitarian efforts in the country.
In Afghanistan: Iran and its expansive terrorist network has increased instability to force US forces to leave the region. Iran‘s anti-U.S. instincts led the IRGC-QF into a tactical coalition with the Taliban. The IRGF-QF strategy became raising the cost of U.S. IRGC-QF has benefited financially from the illicit drug trade flowing out of Afghanistan, the world‘s largest producer of opium.
In Syria, Iran is working to consolidate its influence while trying to prevent US forces from gaining a foothold. Or In Qatar the IRGC-QF in Qatar with HAMAS are monitoring the US Forces and US Embassy daily.
notably, IRQC-GF creates Iran’s land-bridge, connecting Iran through Iraq to Syria, Lebanon, and the Israeli northern fronts. this land corridor will allow the IRGC-QF to transfer arms and personnel through Iraq into Syria and Lebanon, all the way to the Israeli front and the Mediterranean.
Additionally, Iran is increasing Hezbollah‘s capability to target Israel with more advanced and precision-guided rockets and missiles. Iran poses many threats to the interests and security of the US, especially through funding and support for terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas—groups that routinely attack and antagonize our allies in Israel.
The presence of IRGCQF-led forces near the Israeli border is part of the Iranian strategy to exert maximum pressure on Israel. IRGCQF continues to develop and improve a range of new military capabilities to target US and allied military assets in the region.
As well, IRGCQF supports Hezbollah which is active in the Middle East, Latin America, and here in the USA. Iran enjoys Hezbollah’s international network. Iran constantly is a threat to US interests abroad, US international allies, and policies of US National Security in the homeland.
Hezbollah designated as a trans-national criminal organization, operating budget and finance through drug proceeds and working with criminal syndicates.
More to the point, Iran‘s terror proxy networks in Latin America, the back yard of US, are run by sophisticated operatives. Operatives dispatched to Latin America to run drug smuggling, gun running, and money-laundering activities. Iran has viewed Latin America as a prolific ground for the export of its ideology and Anti Americanism.
In actuality, IRGC-QF wants the Western Hemisphere to become a hotbed of anti-Americanism and a forward operating base for Iran. Hezbollah‘s networks in Latin American have cooperated with violent drug cartels and criminal syndicates, often with the assistance of local corrupt political elites. This toxic crime-terror nexus is fueling both the rising danger of global Jihadism [ Global Terrorism ] and the collapse of law and order across Latin America that is assisting drive drugs and people northward into the US soil,
Furthermore, Iran and Hezbollah operatives and their global network, with running illicit drug trafficking and money-laundering operations on a global scale, are threat to the integrity of the U.S. financial system. Along with smuggling drugs to the US and plotting attacks on U.S. targets inside the US and overseas, Hezbollah‘s illicit finance networks often use U.S.- based front companies, launder money through U.S. banks, and invest in the U.S. real estate sector to support their terror finance schemes. They therefore constitute a threat to US homeland security.
Iranian MOIS and IRGC back conspiracies to target the US inside the soil. Iran continuously seeks to strike again inside the US.
The United States told the U.N. Security Council that it targeted Iran-backed militia in Syria and Iraq with airstrikes to deter the militants and Tehran from conducting or supporting further attacks on U.S. personnel or facilities.”This military response was taken after non-military options proved inadequate to address the threat, with the aim of deescalating the situation and preventing further attacks,”
as well President Joe Biden wrote a similar letter to Congress . “The United States stands ready to take further action, as necessary and appropriate, to address further threats or attacks,” he said. but he should be more tough! the mullahs do not want American Diplomacy or deal. these thugs want money and guarantee to preserve the system of power. and practically, Iranian MOIS and IRGC-QF will continue to view the US as a primary threat.
ABOUT THE AUTHORErfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. he is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, Counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and Ethnic conflicts in MENA .he graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA), and is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. Follow him in this twitter account @EQFARD